Insights On Bandar Sri Damansara

Number of Transactions and Price Trends

  • Graphs based on selective NAPIC data

Essential Market Metrics
Metric Terrace Apartment Condominium
Median Price (All Sizes - 2023) RM 920,000 RM 312,500 RM 434 PSF
Median Price Change (2010 to 2023) 98% increase 124% increase 84% increase
Most Transacted Size Range (2010 to 2023) (Sq Ft) 1000 - 1600 500 - 1000 900 - 1500
Transaction Volume by Property Type (2010 to 2023) 30% 51% 19%
CAGR (2010 to 2023) 4.99% 5.92% 4.46%
Price per Sq Ft (Main Floor Area)

2010: RM 274

2023: RM 542

(2179 Sq Ft)

2010: RM 177

2023: RM 396

(840 Sq Ft)

2010: RM 241

2023: RM 444

(1120 Sq Ft)

  1. Table information based on selective NAPIC data
  2. Apartment price per sq ft calculated based on SD Tiara
  3. Condominium price per sq ft calculated based on Paradesa Tropika II
  4. Condominium CAGR calculated based on Paradesa Tropika II



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