Commercial Shoplots: SS2, TTDI & Damansara Utama
Investment Analysis
Metric | SS2 | TTDI | Damansara Utama |
Most Transacted Property Type (2010 - 2023) | 2 Storey | 3 Storey | 3.5 Storey |
Transaction Volume (2010 - 2023) | 119 | 124 | 129 |
Total Transaction Value (All Storeys Combined) |
2010: RM 12.72 mil 2023: RM 47.18 mil |
2010: RM 26.19 mil 2023: RM 66.23 mil |
2010: RM 22.64 mil 2023: RM 62.45 mil |
Median Price (2023) |
2 Storey: RM 2.42 mil 3 Storey: RM 4.6 mil |
3 Storey: RM 5.1 mil | 3.5 Storey: RM 4.8 mil |
CAGR (2010 - 2023) |
2 Storey: 1.5% 3 Storey: 3.4% |
3 Storey: 4.11% | 3.5 Storey: 4.76% |
- Table information based on selective NAPIC data
- CAGR is the Compounded Annual Growth Rate
Number of Transactions - SS2
- Total Transactions (2010 - 2023): 119
- Average Transactions Per Year: 9
- Year with Lowest Transactions: 2015 (1 transaction)
- Year with Highest Transactions: 2011 (18 transactions)
- Graph information based on selective NAPIC data
Number of Transactions - TTDI
- Total Transactions (2010 - 2023): 124
- Average Transactions Per Year: 9
- Year with Lowest Transactions: 2015, 2016 & 2017 (3 transactions)
- Year with Highest Transactions: 2011 & 2021 (18 transactions)
- Graph information based on selective NAPIC data
Number of Transactions - Damansara Utama
- Total Transactions (2010 - 2023): 129
- Average Transactions Per Year: 9
- Year with Lowest Transactions: 2015 & 2016 (3 transactions)
- Year with Highest Transactions: 2011 (19 transactions)
- Graph information based on selective NAPIC data
Price Trend Analysis - SS2
- Total Transactions (2010 - 2023): 129
- Median Price (2023):
- RM 2.42 mil (2 Storey)
- RM 4.6 mil (3 Storey)
- Total Transaction Value (2023): RM 47.18 mil (All Storeys)
- CAGR (2010 - 2023):
- 1.5% (2 Storey)
- 3.4% (3 Storey)
- Graph information based on selective NAPIC data
- Each point represents a transaction
Price Trend Analysis - TTDI
- Total Transactions (2010 - 2023): 124
- Median Price (2023): RM 5.1 mil (3 Storey)
- Total Transaction Value (2023): RM 66.23 mil (All Storeys)
- CAGR (2010 - 2023): 4.11% (3 Storey)
- Graph information based on selective NAPIC data
- Each point represents a transaction
Price Trend Analysis - Damansara Utama
- Total Transactions (2010 - 2023): 129
- Median Price (2023): RM 4.8 mil (3.5 Storey)
- Total Transaction Value (2023): RM 62.45 mil (All Storeys)
- CAGR (2010 - 2023): 4.76% (3.5 Storey)
- Graph information based on selective NAPIC data
- Each point represents a transaction